Celebrate Creatively With Us! - No Experience Required!
Celebrate Creatively With Us! - No Experience Required!

To Request Face Painting Service, Please Read The Information Below The Form & Then Fill Out The Form  Completely:

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Face/Body Painting Information:


We will NOT paint the skin of anyone who does not want to be painted, i.e., crying, screaming, or afraid children. Please do NOT try to force your child to have their skin painted. 


We will NOT paint the skin of anyone under the age of 3 years old.


We will NOT paint the skin of anyone who appears sick in any way. This includes colds, sneezing, and coughing. Please be considerate.


We will NOT paint the skin of anyone with any kinds of sores on their skin. This includes acne, cold sores, open cuts, or bruises.


We DO NOT use acrylic paint for painting skin. We only use FDA approved paints that are deemed safe and are made to be used on skin. We only use glitter that is appropriate for use on skin, however, as a precaution, glitter will not be used on very small children, and not all of our glitter is used around the eye area.



***An additional travel fee may be added for all areas outside of Augusta, Georgia.  


Artist Working Area:


Client must provide a covered, comfortable area for the artist to work that includes a table space no less than 5ft long with two chairs. Client understands that the artist will not paint without sun, heat, wind, water, & rain protection to protect the artist, our products, and equipment. 


Client understands that an adult from their party must be present at all times to keep children away from the artist's area when they are not being painted. Only the child being painted may be at the artist's station/ tent. Client understands that the artist's kit cost begins at $6,000 and that the client will be responsible for any damages incurred to the artist's kit caused by any member of their party/ event which includes pets. 


Client understands that the artist will not act a supervisor for any children present at their party/ event. The behavior and safety of any and all children/ guests  is solely the responsibility of the client. 



Client will keep artist away from all water activities, activities where a ball or flying objects are involved, and any other potentially damaging, hazardous activities that may occur at their party/ event. 




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Free Shipping On All Orders $60 & UP!

Public Parties Are For Ages 14 & Up, Unless Otherwise Noted!


All painters 21 & up may bring their own wine & snacks to our events held at Our Studio. (Everything must be in a LEAK PROOF container.)  You must have a valid ID to drink alcoholic beverages. Everyone may bring their own snacks!!


Events that are NOT held at our studio are NOT BYOB or food, however, you are encouraged to purchase food & beverages from the venue!


We provide the use of all art supplies & instruction.


For In Studio Events ONLY, We also provide Music & a Photo Booth!


New Public Paint Party Schedule Is Posted On Or Around The 25th Of Every Month For The Following Month!

Click On The Wine Glass To Find A Paint Party Now!

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Photo Tour Of Our Studio In Augusta, GA. Photo Tour Of Our New Morganton, NC Location Coming Soon!

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